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When Is It Time To Hire A Plumber?

When it comes to your plumbing, you want to know when it is the right time to get a professional on the job. Sure, there are some plumbing fixes that you could handle yourself, but when it comes to certain services, you’re better off leaving it to the professionals. So when is it time to hire a plumber? We’ll explain below!

Those Clogged Drains Aren’t Budging

We don’t recommend chemical drain cleaning, especially because these drain cleaners often consist of abrasive ingredients that can damage your pipes. However, if you’ve tried drain cleaners and noticed your clogged drains just aren’t getting any better, skip the second round and call a plumber ASAP.

Leaky Pipes Are Causing Trouble

One leak is trouble, two or more leaks is simply a recipe for disaster! Don’t delay on fixing leaky pipes, as these leaks can end up costing you big bucks. At the first sign of a leak, it is always recommended you call a plumber to intervene and get your pipes sealed and leak-free!

There’s No Hot Water

If your home is lacking hot water, you’ll want to call a plumber and fast. A few reasons your home may lack hot water usually involves a faulty water heater, whether it’s a broken thermostat, sediment buildup, and other malfunctions.

Rusty Water

Anytime your water is not clear should be a cause for concern. Rusty water can usually signal that some of your pipes need to be replaced. Though rusty water is generally considered safe to drink, it can sometimes indicate problems with your plumbing that need to be looked at by a professional and fast!

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can cause a big problem for any household. This issue can slow down your chores and regular home activities. Low water pressure can be attributed to a variety of different problems, but it will usually have something to do with damaged pipes. Getting a plumber to address the problem of low water pressure means your household can get back into routine faster and without any further issue.

Clogged Sewer Line

A clogged sewer line is not something you can DIY. This is a more serious matter, and may even involve an outside force, such as tree roots. Plumbers can perform special camera inspections to address the problem, so it is recommended you call a plumbing technician in your area when it comes to a clogged sewer line!

Need A Reliable Plumber?

When serious plumbing issues strike, you want to make sure a plumbing expert is available to help restore everything back to perfect working order again. John’s Plumbing & Rooter Service in Apple Valley is the team to turn to. Our plumbing technicians are always available to answer your questions and provide you with the most efficient plumbing solutions in town. When a plumbing ordeal strikes, save yourself the time and effort, and give our professionals a call! Learn more about John’s plumbing & Rooter Service Plumber in Long Beach.

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